Contract Name | Address |
PiteasRouter | 0x6BF228eb7F8ad948d37deD07E595EfddfaAF88A6 |
Token Contract | 0x2A06a971fE6ffa002fd242d437E3db2b5cC5B433 |
Multisig | Not deployed yet! |
Timelock | Not deployed yet! |
SwapManager | 0x258e0bC6ED656ccB5147383dc02eDEAb141B6A9a |
SwapManager (until 0409-24) | 0xFc2c4Ed485274E5bA3194Ef959a5d41555d3672c |
Audit Reports:
Treasury Wallets
Wallet | Address |
Revenue & Buyback Wallet | 0x31415995b2ffaDf05FE929fDB6a87FD18A2817dD |
Treasury Wallet | 0x0101838F92c2e6cbE6C2Be716056A0a291f6824a |
The treasury wallets here are managed by the Piteas team. They can be used for transferring funds externally due to the protocol's needs, making payments for expenses, providing funding for development stages, and can be used in various ways for token utility purposes.
Last updated